Technology's authority over our lives, and our acceptance of it
Regardless of all the internet and modern technology’s negative consequences, humanity doesn’t care. We have become complicit because we feel that our usage of these things fulfills something within us. Finding separation is an important first step to taking your precious time back from the internet.
An endless spiral – how stress leads to distraction
“The procrastination cycle” is a more common issue than many might know.
Project management, but better
Getting started with project management in this day and age could not be easier. A plethora of tools and methodologies exist to assist you in your journey of creation.
Eliminating distractions
8.25 seconds is currently the average human attention span. In order to eliminate distractions, I spent 5 days detoxing from Spotify.
Attempting to manage time as a chronic procrastinator
Procrastination is not just losing me a few hours of sleep each night. Rather, it decreases the quality of work, introduces more stress and anxiety your life, and strains the relationships with those who are most important to you.
The struggle for separation in a digitized world
Most would agree with me in saying that the internet is one of the most spectacular assets that modern humans have access to. However, with all good things, there are negatives.