About Me

Creative, versatile, passionate.

Creating has always been a part of who I am. Since I can remember, all I have wanted to do was make things. Whether it was an ugly drawing in my elementary school art class or a set of draws my father bought from Amazon, I just wanted to create.

Since I could use the internet, I was fascinated by the videos and graphics found behind my computer screen which seemed to be endless. How did they take that photo? How did they edit that video? How did they make that funny cat gif? These questions filled my young, curious head. I found a love for the technology and digital media.

In 2017, I began attending Immaculate High School in Danbury, CT. It was here that I decided to fulfill my required Fine Art credit by taking a class called “Graphic Design I.” Unknown to me at the time, taking this class would be the catalyst for all my future work and endeavors.

I fell in love with graphic design and the creative process as I had time and time again. The freedom to make whatever I could think was inspiring.

Four years of high school graphic design classes brought me to Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, where I studied Graphic & Interactive Design and Advertising & Integrated Communications.

At school, I joined The Quinnipiac Chronicle – the University’s student-run newspaper. This organization became synonymous with “the college experience” for me. Creating graphics and seeing them printed in the paper every week showed me what could be possible through my creativity. It was also through The Chronicle that I picked up a camera for the first time.

Along with The Chronicle, I had the opportunity to express my creativity through many different avenues. Some include The Day Newspaper, The Agency at Quinnipiac, and For the QUlture Magazine.

I continue to work jobs in creative marketing, where I use my abilities to create stunning content. My passion is more alive than ever, and I am excited by the prospect of of continued learning and exploration of all things creative.

Get in contact with me!